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Saturday, October 13, 2007 

College Chemistry - How to Survive Your College Chemistry Class

After years of teaching, I have discovered that success in college chemistry has nothing to do with special abilities, superior intelligence, or high SAT scores. Success in chemistry is directly related to your attitude, your willingness to prepare and your persistence.

It doesnt matter what your skills are if you have a lousy attitude, refuse to do your assignments and won't make time to practice, you will not succeed. You must have a positive outlook towards chemistry, be willing to do the work, and practice, practice, practice. But, if you can do the three things mentioned above then you will be successful in chemistry.


Your attitude toward chemistry is completely under your control. No one can make you think anything you dont want to think. So, the first thing you need to do is get control of your thoughts.

If you say, chemistry is hard, it will be hard.
If you say, I will never pass chemistry then you wont pass chemistry.
The mind is very powerful and will function according to how you feed it. If you feed it negative thoughts you will get negative results. You must be aware of your thoughts and if they are negative, change them. No one else can do it for you. Finally, you must not let what other people think about you, determine your reality. Just because someone says you cant do something doesnt mean you have to accept his or her opinion. All that truly matters is what you believe. Dont let other people set your limits or your goals.


What's important now produces the acronym WIN and that's exactly what successful people must ask when deciding what to do. In order to be successful you must learn to set priorities and do what's important now. If you choose to do something else, then you chose to fail: not your parents, your teacher or your friends. You!

What's important now? Whatever you need to do to further your goals is what's important now. If you need to learn a particular skill, learn it. If you need to spend more time on a certain project, do it. If you need help, get it. It's up to you to consider your goals and do what's important now.


If you are serious about doing well in chemistry, you must be willing to practice. Chemistry is a discipline dependent on other disciplines and skills. So, it is important that you practice these skills in order to master chemistry.

These skills are:

  • Understand the scientific method
  • Learn the metric system (cgs)
  • Learn scientific notation
  • Learn the use of significant figures
  • Master the secrets of the periodic table
  • Develop simple algebra skills
  • Basic calculator skills
So, maintain a positive attitude, properly prepare for class and consistently practice the skills listed above and you will be a success in college chemistry.

If you would like to know the 16 most important elements to know or more about Chemistry Coaching go to http://yourCHEMcoach.com or for more about SAT or vocabulary go to MRCAUSEYTUTORS.COM

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